Shpend Nura

KEP Trust, Chairman of the Board

Shpend Nura is Chief Executive Officer of the MFI KEP Trust and member of AMIK Board since October 2017. He has 15 years of experience in the financial and consulting sectors. Previously, he worked for Interim Credit Unit (ICU), Raiffeisen Bank and Bank for Business in various managerial positions and functions. He has led various projects in the field of banking product development, information technology, advancement of processes / operations and capacity building of SMEs. He has completed bachelor studies at the University of Prishtina in Mechanical Engineering and holds a Master of Business Administration at the University of Sheffield, Thessaloniki branch. Has served as mentor for young entrepreneurs in CEED Kosovo and RTC / IFC projects for capacity building of SMEs and women in business. He also served as a lecturer at Universum and UBT colleges.

Ardian Kastrati

FINCA Kosovë

Ardian Kastrati comes to FINCA from ProCredit Bank, with 12 years of banking experience and more than 5 years in microfinance sector. He started his job as a Loan Officer in year 2000 at the ProCredit Bank Kosovo. He served as the Lending Manager for Agricultural and Micro Loans, Branch Manager for Peja region, Credit Division Manager for more than 5 years. He joined FINCA Kosovo in 2013 as Chief Operations Officer whereas starting from November 01, 2017 he serves as Acting Chief Executive Officer. Ardian has graduated at the IEDC – Bled School of Management, Slovenia, International Senior Management Program, part of the Executive MBA Program. He has graduated ‘Banking and Finance’ in Germany, at the ProCredit Bank Academy, as well as studied at the branch of Agriculture at the University of Prishtina, Kosovo.

Shpresim Vranovci

Executive Director, AMIK

Md. Abdul Kalam

Chief Executive Officer, KGMAMF

Mr. Kalam is Chief Executive Officer of KGMAMF (Kosovo Grameen Mission Arcobaleno Microcredit Fund) since March 2015, while has been part of the Institution since 2007 as Finance Director and as Project Director in Charge. Before joining Grameen Trust in Kosovo (KGMAMF), he has been part of Grameen Bank in Bangladesh since 1986 in various leading positions. Mr. Kalam worked five years under UNDP/UNOPS as a consultant to implement Micro Credit Project in Myanmar (Burma). He holds a Bachelor of Social Science (1983) and a Masters of Social Science (1985) from Dhaka University, Bangladesh. With a 31year experience home and abroad as a practitioner of Microfinance, he has a good understanding of poverty alleviation and livelihood issues, and likes to work with poor people for their socio-economic development.

Vilson Ndrecaj


Lulzim Sadrija


Gjergj Karaqi

Manger, QELIM Kosovë

Mr. Karaqi is the manager of the Microfinance Institution - Qelim Kosovë since 2009, while has been part of Qelim Kosovë since 2006. During the period 2001 - 2006 he worked for Celim Milano on their microfinance mission in Kosovo. He graduated from the University of Prishtina in 1983 at the Faculty of Economy. His 18-year experience in the microfinance sector has enabled him to attend many trainings and programs addressing financial and non-financial needs of the low-income people and micro-enterprises in the country.

Elikona Llalloshi

Finance and Administration Officer, AMIK

Vahdet Anadolli


Mr. Anadolli is Executive Director of Microfinance Institution – Agency for finance in Kosovo (AFK) and since 2012 he is Chairman of the Board of AMIK. His professional experience includes 20 years of microfinance and leadership. He holds a Masters Degree in Management from the Dukagjini University in Kosovo. He also is Certified Expert in Microfinance and Certified Expert in Risk Management from Frankfurt School of Finance and Management in Germany.

Vehbi Zeqiri

START Institucioni Mikrofinanciar


The Assembly is the highest governing body of the organization and it shall consist of all members of organization.
The Assembly has ultimate responsibility for the policies and financial affairs of the organization.
Apart from other powers as stated in this statute, the Assembly shall also have the following powers:

  • Elect and remove the members of the Board
  • Approve the annual financial review of the organization
  • Approve the annual budget
  • Approve the annual programme


The Board shall be responsible for the control and management of the affairs and property of the organization. The Board of Directors shall consist of at least six (6) members from member organizations, who shall be individually elected by the members of the Assembly by a majority vote and shall have a term of two years.

The current members of the Board of Directors are:

Shpend Nura – KEP Trust, Chairman of the Board

Ardian Kastrati – FINCA Kosovë

Vilson Ndrecaj - KosInvest

Lulzim Sadrija – KRK

Vahdet Anadolli – AFK

Vehbi Zeqiri - START

The Board shall have the following powers:

  • Establish the fundamental direction of the organizations operations
  • Promote organization objectives and assist in its fundraising efforts
  • Representing the organization
  • Electing the Chairperson of the Board of Directors
  • Signing any agreement on behalf of the organization
  • Selecting and managing the organization employees
  • Appointing auditors

The Board shall also have the following responsibilities:

  • Legal and financial responsibility for the affairs of the organization until the approval of the annual financial review of the organization by the Assembly
  • Dissemination of all significant information received by the Board and significant decisions rendered by the Board.


AMIK is currently managed by: Shpresim Vranovci - Executive Director, i Aulona Ademi - službenik za koordinaciju