Advocacy, Lobbying and Representation

Advocacy and Policy - Advocacy is a key function of AMIK. Under its advocacy mandate, AMIK promotes an awareness of and a commitment to best practices among donors, government bodies and microfinance practitioners in Kosovo. Under AMIK, MFIs have a platform from which they can speak with one voice.
Best Practices - AMIK facilitates the exchange of best practices with a particular emphasis on encouraging financial transparency among its members. Members present their financial and portfolio reports in a way that clearly reflects the activity of the institution and promotes transparency, which protects against misuse of donor funds or straying from the social mandate implicit in microfinance. AMIK works with its membership to build a strong credit culture by reinforcing sound microfinance practices and professionalism. AMIK is working on the development of a code of best practices, which will be crucial for long-term sustainability, and stability of the microfinance sector in Kosovo.